6 recyclable reasons we can all love print while loving the planet – spread the word!
Do you still send or receive emails that say, “Please consider the environment before printing this out”? Want to know why old-school attitudes like that do the planet no favours? Read on to discover why print and paper make strong sustainability partners…

1. In 2019, 72% of paper waste in Europe was recycled –while the target was 74% for 2020.
Recycled paper is used by the paper industry to make new products and serves as a model for the creation of a circular economy.
So why not… Rewrite that email signature as a reminder to recycle instead.

2. The European paper industry makes paper using woodfibre from sustainably managed forests – that also act as invaluable sources for carbon capture.
So why not… ensure the paper you use is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) or Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification™ (PEFC™).*
3. Thanks to the European Forest-based industry, 806m tons of CO2 is taken out of the atmosphere every year – that’s equivalent to 20% of all fossil fuel emissions in the EU.
So why not… pass on stats like this to customers even before they mention sustainability.

4. The growing global carbon footprint from consumer devices such as smartphones and their network storage could equal 50% of the footprint of global transportation by 2040.
So why not… encourage customers to see the bigger picture when it comes to sustainability and modern marketing media.

5. 61% of millennials say they would pay extra for eco-friendly or sustainable products.
So why not… make paper a key part of your sustainable marketing plans – and then segment your audience accordingly.
6. 93% of the water used in the European paper industry is returned to environment after extensive treatment.
So why not… make sure all your suppliers can demonstrate real sustainability creds before deciding marketing budgets.
Print can be a positive media for eco-conscious consumers
For more insights on print’s effectiveness visit www.sappipapers.com/insights
*FSC C015022 and PEFC/07-32-7611