You want a paper you can be sure will deliver on the job – and the bottom line

You need the best paper possible to deliver your brand message, in a range that offers the options that make the numbers add up. Here’s how to be sure Galerie is your paper.

With Galerie, you’ve found a paper that offers great bulk options, superb quality – and tangible cost savings.
Our Galerie range has evolved to service today’s customer needs and market conditions – without compromising on quality. Our latest Galerie additions include our adaptable Bulk and Plus solutions, specifically engineered to match performance with yield.
This means that today, when your bottom line demands it, you can choose a high-bulk option that comes complete with margin-enhancing, distribution efficiencies.
The full Galerie range has nine different papers across 14 different weights – check out the improved yields available.
And why not take advantage of our Galerie benefit calculator and sample service to see exactly how your next print project could shape up in in your customers’ hands and on your spreadsheet.
Your publication… a sample in your hands
Want to see, touch and feel how your publication will be before pressing ‘go’ on your paper order? Want to see and handle variations on your proposed specifications? Want to be able to simply and swiftly answer questions like, “Is a higher bulk paper a better option?” or “What’s the right weight and finish for this content?”
Our unique Galerie Sample Service is all about facilitating speedy, confident customer decision making on high-value projects – and you can’t put a price on that.
Just contact your local sales office.
Galerie samples can be sent to multiple decision makers in multiple, different locations – so allowing for good planning and consensus around fully informed decision making. And all within 48 hours of ordering. Priceless.
Our paper… compared side-by-side with the competition
Want to compare and contrast Galerie with another option? Our unique benefit calculator provides data on gross paper consumption, yield benefits – and more.
The Galerie Benefit Calculator is a data-driven tool that you can use to compare and contrasts key data across a range of factors for any two given papers – a Galerie option and a competitor paper. The comparison data provided will include gross paper consumption, yield benefits and potential monetary savings.
As well facilitating rapid decision making by providing easily understandable comparison information, the tool also smooths next steps. Links allow the immediate ordering of samples and valuable printed and plain dummies.