Your brand needs a special paper with a strong sustainability story

Today’s brands and consumers have sustainability and quality top-of-mind – meaning you need an exceptional paper that comes with stand-out environmental credentials. Here’s what makes Galerie that paper.
Your customers want to know about the carbon footprint of more and more of their supplies. With Galerie papers – produced exclusively at our Kirkniemi mill in Finland – you can tell it to them straight.

Thanks to an investment of more than €16m, Sappi’s Kirkniemi mill has switched from fossil fuels to renewable bioenergy. The mill also purchases only clean electricity for all its secondary energy requirements.
That adds up to a huge 70% cut in the carbon footprint of all our Galerie papers – and a potential reduction in the carbon footprint of your next print project of up to 35-40%.
Your customers also want to source their supplies as sustainably as possible. At Kirkniemi, a longstanding programme of continuous improvements in freshwater usage, energy efficiency and the local sourcing of wood materials tell their own sustainability story.
Meanwhile, all Sappi papers – including the full Galerie range – are certified by both FSC™ (FSC-C015022) and PEFC (PEFC/07-32-76) Chain of Custody. These certifications underline that Sappi has robust measures in place to ensure the company’s supply chains are deforestation-free, including employing its own due diligence systems to monitor supplies of the wood-fibre raw materials used.
A paper like no other
Galerie offers superb image production, outstanding readability plus exceptional touch and feel. That’s what Galerie papers have been engineered by our Kirkniemi mill in Finland to deliver. With a flourish.
Because the mill that produces Galerie papers is a unique mill in a unique country. There’s nowhere quite like Kirkniemi, a mill designed, since ground was first broken there in 1963, to work in efficient harmony with its greenfield site.
Today, Kikniemi mill is the biggest coated publication paper mill in the world. And, we like to think, perhaps the best – something that has always meant being swift to innovate.
Even before the mill started production in 1966, it had developed and installed first-of-their-kind wood conveyors for the groundwood mill – a major labour-saving innovation that was quickly adopted by paper mills around the globe. And as early as 1972, Kirkniemi was breaking new ground with the first computer-run machine line in the world.
More recently, and even before the latest comprehensive switch from coal to renewable woody biomass, Kirkniemi has been tireless in its pursuit of the new and improved.
Witness the development of the most recent bulk grades, of the Galerie range of papers – innovation in the name of always improving customer value.
Need to know more? Contact us directly